Pokémon - DX Charizard Nanoblock

Sale price$54.95


The new Nanoblock Deluxe Charizard model is a true masterpiece of construction, perfect for fans of the iconic fire/flying-type Pokemon. With its impressive wingspan, detailed horns, and fiery tail, this model is a faithful recreation of Charizard's imposing appearance. The model's advanced level of difficulty is a testament to the complexity of Charizard's design, making it a challenging and rewarding build for any skilled builder. Don't miss out on this limited stock release of the Nanoblock Deluxe Charizard, the ultimate collectible for fans of this legendary Pokemon.

Each nanoblock® set comes with spare blocks and detailed step-by-step building instructions.


Charizard seeks out stronger foes and only breathes fire during battles with worthy opponents. The fiery breath is so hot that it can turn any material to slag.


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